Percentage Calculator

Get accurate percentage results with our all-in-one Percentage Calculator! No manual calculations needed. Copy function included.

Calculate Percentage

Choose your calculation

1. Calculate percentage of a number


2. Calculate the number from a percentage


3. Calculate total value from percentage and part value


4. Calculate value increase in percentage


5. Calculate value decrease in percentage


6. Calculate percentage of one number to another


How-to Guide for Using the Percentage Calculator

1. Choose Your Calculation Type:

  • At the top of the calculator, you will see several options, each representing a different type of percentage calculation.
  • Click on the option that best describes the calculation you want to perform. The selected option will be highlighted with a gradient border.

2. Enter Your Values:

  • Below the selected calculation type, you will find input fields where you can enter your values.
  • Each field will have a label indicating what value should be entered, such as “Part value,” “Total value,” “Percentage,” etc.
  • Click on the input field and type in your values. Ensure that you enter numeric values only.

3. View Your Results:

  • Once you enter the necessary values, the calculator will automatically compute the result.
  • The result will be displayed below the input fields, along with a brief explanation of what the result means.

4. Copy the Result:

  • If you need to save the result for later use, click the “Copy” button located below the result.
  • This will copy the result to your clipboard, allowing you to paste it wherever needed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Find the Number from a Percentage?


Part Value = (Percentage / 100) * Total Value


To find a specific part value that represents a given percentage of the total value, multiply the percentage (as a decimal) by the total value.


If you want to find 25% of 200:
Part Value = (25 / 100) * 200 = 50

How Do You Find the Percentage of a Number?


Percentage = (Part Value / Total Value) * 100


To determine what percentage a part value is of the total value, divide the part value by the total value and multiply by 100.


If you have 50 and want to know what percentage it is of 200:
Percentage = (50 / 200) * 100 = 25%

How Do You Find the Total Value from a Percentage and a Partial Value?


Total Value = (Part Value / Percentage) * 100


To find the total value when you know a part value and its corresponding percentage, divide the part value by the percentage (as a decimal) and multiply by 100.


If 50 is 25% of the total value:
Total Value = (50 / 25) * 100 = 200

How Do You Calculate the Percentage Increase of a Value?


Increase Percentage = ((New Value – Old Value) / Old Value) * 100


To find the percentage increase from an old value to a new value, subtract the old value from the new value, divide by the old value, and multiply by 100.


If a value increased from 100 to 150:
Increase Percentage = ((150 – 100) / 100) * 100 = 50%

How Do You Calculate the Percentage Decrease of a Value?


Decrease Percentage = ((Old Value – New Value) / Old Value) * 100


To find the percentage decrease from an old value to a new value, subtract the new value from the old value, divide by the old value, and multiply by 100.


If a value decreased from 100 to 75:
Decrease Percentage = ((100 – 75) / 100) * 100 = 25%

How Do You Determine What Percentage One Number is of Another?


Percentage = (Part Value / Total Value) * 100


To find out what percentage one number is of another, divide the part value by the total value and multiply by 100.


If you want to know what percentage 50 is of 200:
Percentage = (50 / 200) * 100 = 25%